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Calathea 'Zebrina' | Calathea Zebrina

Calathea 'Zebrina' | Calathea Zebrina

Regular price $39.95 USD
Regular price Sale price $39.95 USD
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A bright and velvety Calathea

The Calathea Zebrina is a beautiful-patterned foliage plant from the tropical rainforests of Brazil.

It has soft deep green leaves, lined with a paler green, which look velvet. In the wild, these luscious leaves can grow as long as 45 cm. Getting a Calathea zebrina to reach this size in the home might be a challenge, but with the correct care, you could have leaves as long as 30 cm within 2 years. 

In their native habitat, Calatheas grow on the rainforest floor, under layers of dense canopy. As such, they like dappled light, warmth, and humidity. You can replicate this by keeping it in a warm spot, away from droughts and direct sunlight. Give it a misting once every 5 days, so it feels like its in a tropical climate.  

  • Pet-friendly Plant! 
  • Calatheas are wonder plants, they respond to night and day by opening and closing their leaves, so they make the perfect soothing bedtime companion.
  • Exotic Foliage: The Calathea Zebrina boasts captivating, velvety, deep green leaves with striking pale green stripes.
  • Low-Light Tolerance: Thrives in dappled light, making it suitable for indoor spaces with indirect sunlight.
  • Air Purifier: Contributes to better air quality, enhancing your physical well-being.
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